Thursday, May 5, 2016

No hangdog skulking for me!

For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 NLT

This morning as I started my devotional time, in between conversations with God, my mind started to wander. Thoughts about circumstances started to crowd in, trying to push out the truth I was reading in Psalm 25 ...

Unto You, O Lord, do I bring my life.
O my God, I trust, lean on, rely on, and am confident in You. Let me not be put to shame or [my hope in You] by disappointed; let not my enemies triumph over me.
Yes, let now who trust and wait hopefully and look for You be put to shame or be disappointed; let them be ashamed who forsake the right or deal treacherously without cause.
Psalm 25:1-3 AMP

Thoughts about our circumstances were crying out - can you trust God? can you rely on Him? what about past disappointments? 

I put on some worship music - The Desert Song ...

No weapon formed against me will remain ....

....I will declare God is my victory and He is here ....

This is my prayer in the battle when triumph is still on it's way..

... All of my life, in every season, You are still God, I have a reason to sing, I have a reason to worship

The circumstantial thoughts are still coming, so I check out Psalm 25 in The Message Bible ...

My head is high, GOD, held high;
I'm looking to you, GOD;
No hangdog skulking for me.
Psalm 25:1-2 The Message

That's enough - No hangdog skulking for me! No hangdog skulking for me! No hangdog skulking for me!

The Holy Spirit then prompts me - Ephesians 6:12

For our struggle is not against human opponents, but against rulers, authorities, cosmic powers in the darkness around us, and evil spiritual forces in the heavenly realm. Ephesians 6:12 ISV

How I love God's word. I am so grateful for those who listened all those years ago, where obedient and wrote as He prompted them, and then those who translated it so we have such easy access to it today.

Reading on in Psalm 25

Who is the man who reverently fears and worships the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way that he should choose. He himself shall dwell at ease, and his offspring shall inherit the land. Psalm 25:12-13 AMP

Oh, to dwell at ease, no matter what is happening - that is my prayer Lord Jesus. Thank you that it is possible with you, to dwell at ease.

And then this beautiful promise ...

The secret [of the sweet, satisfying companionship] of the Lord have they who fear (revere and worship) Him, and He will show them His covenant and reveal to them its [deep, inner] meaning. Psalm 25:14

And that is what is about, having the sweet, satisfying companionship of the Lord. And that is what the evil one is working to destroy - our trust, our reliance and our confidence in our God. But he will not prevail, in Christ we are more than conquerors.

Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us. Romans 8:37 AMP

No hangdog skulking for me! 

Question for today, are there some thoughts in your mind that are trying to steer you away from God's truth? From His promises for you? Today, let's choose to take those thoughts captive and declare God's truth instead. Let's not do any hangdog skulking, rather let's actively pursue the sweet, satisfying companionship of the Lord.

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